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System Access Level: Determines page accessibility
User Type: SysAdmin CmpAdmin DptAdmin DptSuper Subscriber Employee Permanent
Authority Level Configuration: Determines enabled application pages and workflow
Role: Determines action accessibility in a page
Action Level: Readable Addable Editable Deletable Authable Printable Rpt: Generateable Rpt: Printable
Employee Status: Determines the employee status in report
AJAX Communication Status
TH Plantations Berhad is a Public Listed company in Bursa Malaysia that carries out palm oil, rubber and processing plant would like to invite experienced contractors/suppliers to register as TH Plantations Berhad vendors.
The locations of TH Plantations Berhad estates are located in Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak.
Interested contractors/suppliers must complete the Contractor Registration Form along with company profile and copies of supporting documents as follows:
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